On things pronounciating…

October 25, 2011News

I believe it’s DowsEE,  on the strength of me having been corrected several years ago by a elderley chap that lived in the area. Yes the make up Rics show was my idea, but I don’t know that I can claim credit for the DowsEE residency.   Maybe I can..I dunno..  What’s important is that many … Read More

More more more more more

October 20, 2011News

[singlepic id=228 w=320 h=240 float=right]So, a few months back we did a gig at Ric’s and accidentally got paid twice. Good times abounded in WAWT, with Band Practice becoming a frenzy of champagne, posh cheeses and endless expensive raucousness. Rics e mailed and said that they were aware of the discrepancy, and please could we … Read More

News, October..

October 11, 2011News

The tour’s going pretty well, thanks to the crowd at Woodland for making it the best show yet! We’re going to be doing a Thursday night residency at The Dowse Bar in Paddington throughout December, details shortly..There are one or two support slots left if you know anyone good, or you are someone good. Mixing … Read More

Balmy Sunday Arvo at The Powerhouse & We All Felt The Love…

September 19, 2011News

Well we finally got around to playing one of our very favourite venues yesterday and we had a bunch of fun.  Thanks so much to everyone who came out to see us at the powerhouse for Livespark.   It’s nice to play a near full room and feel the love.  To the choreographed dancers on the … Read More

In the ‘House

September 5, 2011News

[singlepic id=225 w=320 h=240 float=right]Mixing has commenced on the album, and we’re excited. Our first big Brisbane show where you can hear a bunch of the new songs played live will be this one. It’s good to be out playing the new songs, they feel good to play.. some of them were so new when … Read More


August 26, 2011News

the first contingency of WAWT arrived late last night..Dan’s on his way. We’re playing the Metro tonight with a fantastic lineup. It’s good to be back in town. Come along tonight, we’re on close to 11. Watch this space punters..all shenanigans will be reported. No one is safe.

World WAW2

July 29, 2011News

So we finished recording the other night, it was cool. The last instrument to go down was the toy piano, on “Out of the Woods”. Skye played it. 2 takes. We did 15 songs all up, and here is a list of them, the ones in italics are our nicknames, we’re pretty crap with song … Read More

Coming back to Adelaide

July 29, 2011News

[singlepic id=204 w=320 h=240 float=right]As always, it’s been too long, even though it’s only been a few months. We hope to see you at the gigs, we can’t wait!

Japan video is done!

July 21, 2011News

And here it is. Bit of a saga gettig this done but finally Mr Jacob Schiotz stepped in, took the reigns and got the thing done. Cheers Jacob. This was all filmed at the studio in Albion where we recorded the new album, and some of the last one. We mixed japan there, but didn’t … Read More

U2 are gonna get cremated…sooner or later.

July 8, 2011News

What??? Don’t worry..we’ve created our own mondegreen…well it’s pretty close to a mondegreen. What’s a mondegreen? We’re glad you asked…just look here. Just so Bono and his mates don’t go dragging us through law suit the whole line is…’if you sleep by the incinerator YOU TOO are gonna get cremated…sooner or later’. So yeah we’ve … Read More

Ben’s making dinner..

June 30, 2011News

Skye’s doing vocal takes…I’m blogging..We All Want To – vikings of the multitask!! We’ve thought of a little modification to our vocal comp predictor Ap’. It’s a random variable in which both parties agree on the same comp piece. It’s much like the neutral colour in roulette and the house wins, except in this case … Read More

Thursday!!!! Day 5

June 30, 2011News

Another couple of tracks done with drums and bass. Skye’s gearing up for vox fest this evening. Josh’ll be back from work later and it’s all going rather swimmingly. Piece of toast offerings thus far: one, with additional offer of crumpet. Ben’s doing his pass parts for ‘Park’. It’s gotta be lunch time isn’t it?

Piece of toast?

June 30, 2011News

Four Tracks Done!!!! Today that is..in the last half hour nailed down track number four ‘Park’. I’d originally set a list of four to do, changed it to five, but it wasn’t meant to be. Four it is..and it’s all sounding rather sweet. Pretty knackered and my ears are doing some pretty fierce ringing.. Back … Read More

Half Brian, Half Saul

June 29, 2011News

In Jokes eh? Classic. Makes studio life hilarious and awesome, and makes sitting there listening to some guy working out how to sing a song he’s supposedly been “performing” live for a year now for the 10th time kinda ok. WE ALL WANT TO’s hilarious and/or awesome moments so far, in point form: Pretending a … Read More