[singlepic id=228 w=320 h=240 float=right]So, a few months back we did a gig at Ric’s and accidentally got paid twice. Good times abounded in WAWT, with Band Practice becoming a frenzy of champagne, posh cheeses and endless expensive raucousness.
Rics e mailed and said that they were aware of the discrepancy, and please could we pay them back, very soon. We said “um, yeah but the cash is like, all gone”. They were very nice about waiting a while. Dan came up with the genius idea of doing another gig there, for free.
They went for it.
Dan got a huge Hi 5, the venue got payback and we got a gig. Pretty sure that’s win, win, win.
So this is that gig. We play at 9.00pm. We’ve been touring a bit lately and sound pretty tight.. we will be paring it back however as Ric’s PA generally can’t handle the massiveness which is WAWT. Still, our message translates well with an acoustic guitar and a tambourine. Join hands, raise your voices, walk into the light.
Joining us, on at 8.00 are the truly awesome SUICIDE SWANS. If you are cool enough to listen to music made before 1980, you’re gonna dig em, I promise. They’re totally great. I don’t like Myspace any more than you do but you can hear them here: www.myspace.com/suicideswans HEAR THEM NOW!!!!
Come and have a drink with us, we’ll play you our new songs. coupla events to share, invite people to etc!
Facebook Event Here!
But wait there’s more.
[singlepic id=227 w=320 h=240 float=right]Another master stroke from Dan, one night we were driving home from band prac and reminiscing about our fun gig at the Dowse Bar. (He calls it the Dows-ee for some reason, the rest of us just call it the Dowse, not sure why, but fair play I suppose). He suggested we do a residency for a month. One e mail later and it was booked.
Free entry, EXCELLENT beers on tap, food available, kid friendly, armchairs, nice staff, um, what more do you want.. foot massages, spanish classes, hide and seek..? you got it.
We play in ‘reduced’ mode, which we’ve become very good at lately, it’s kinda fun. you can hear yourself talk most of the time, *not that we encourage talking during our set.
We have some GREAT supports too:
Dec 1. The Strums – acoustic. Clash-inspired beat punx, with a tambo on a hi hat stand and hearts on their sleeves. facebook.com/thestrums
Dec 8. Virginia Sook. They’re young, they’re sweet, they’re talented. (as opposed to us, dammit). Listen here: myspace.com/virginiasook
Dec 15th. Kellie Lloyd. You might know her from such bands as SCREAMFEEDER. She’s just recorded her second solo LP and it’s a gem. Notice I said LP there, not album. Yes, it’s getting pressed to plastic. She’s playing heaps and has killer songs. facebook.com/kellielloydmusic
Dec 22nd. Little Company, a “brother and sister folk duo”. I think they’re uber good and really excellent songwriters and soingers. We may just have to sabotage their gear before the gig. They might have a myspace but I couldn’t find it. They do have facebook and littlecompany.tumlr.com
So to sum up: Dowse Bar, Cnr Given Tce and Dowse st in Paddington. Thursday nights in December, 8-10pm, free entry, lovely little place etc. Come and hang out, way better than watching telly.
Facebook Event Here!